An Itch In Time
I’m not a girly girl. I’m not a girl at all, actually; in a few weeks I’ll turn an age that gives me a far more up-close-and-personal view of 50 than I ever imagined I’d get. Not because of the whole...
View ArticleA Matter of Trust
In the mid-90s, having found myself on a hiatus from surgeries where huge chunks of my bowel got hacked out, and having survived giving birth to a very small boy, I was writing quite a lot for radio....
View ArticleBagrophobia?
There’s been a lot of anger on the internet lately – particularly on Twitter – about people’s use of language. Mostly I don’t mind what language people use as long as they’re not being stupid about...
View ArticleGut Reaction
I wrote this blog back in July, but didn’t post it. Somehow it felt too raw, too personal; I’d been enjoying writing light, humorous posts about language and the career I used to have writing satire....
View ArticleDon't Feed Us This Crap
Yesterday morning, Dr Sally Mitton, a gastroenterologist at a London hospital, said on BBC Breakfast that Crohn’s Disease is caused by eating junk food and being over prescribed anti-biotics. This...
View ArticleAnother Fine Mess
It’s been an embarrassment of months since I last blogged. The truth is, the longer I live with a bag, the less I notice it, think about it, remember how very different it is to be pooing from a bit...
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